Monday 2 May 2011

Weekly Summary #10

Of course the highlight of the week was the Royal Wedding. Enough has been said all over blogger, and my blog as well, so I wont go on, but just wow! I loved every second!

Nothing much happened for me all week really, not that I can think of anyway, I've been a bit of a hermit. Maybe chlling out for the week was what I needed before the hectic month Im about to have at college.

On Sunday I went to the Lakes with some of my family and David, I might do a proper post on it later. But we had a lovely day, it was so warm and sunny, just gorgeous! The photos are on my Dads camera so I'll show them later

Sorry for the lack of posts/the quality of the posts Im actually putting up. Stressful times!! I promise you Ill be a better blogger once all this college stuff is over with, its just really important because if I fail thats no Uni for me!

Hope you all had a lovely time with the two bank holidays!



  1. ooh looking forward to seeing the photos of the Lakes, love it there! and i think most of us are posting less because of exams and stuff, its not just you! good luck with all your college stuff :) nicola xx

  2. I loved the royal wedding, I wnat to watch it again, haha
